Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thanks for Finding Us!

This last month has been a great one for the blog popularity. We've been trying really hard to help people be aware of Bridge of Love and the good that it does, along with our project we're doing to help them out. We've got a Facebook page, the Blog, a Twitter account, Google+, and the word of mouth. These help people to find out about us. We've also been writing letters to schools, individuals, churches, and organizations who are on our route, offering to come speak to them.

We've been happy with how things have been progressing and the attention we've gotten. The blog has had thousands of views. Last month, for example, we had 1,015 people visit the blog. I took a screenshot of the stats when we broke the 1,000 mark. Jamie and I celebrated in style, by going...to Taco Bell, my favorite. 

Check it out, and it just goes up from here

We're also able to see where a lot of our viewer traffic comes from. Lots come from Facebook or Google. The other day I saw one that made me really happy. When I clicked on a traffic source I didn't recognize it took me to this page. 

We're Top 10!!! Yeah!

Look down at the bottom of the list and there we are! In the top 10 on a Yahoo search! Its really hard to get this kind of search engine optimization. This is exciting. Number 1 on the list for Longboarding USA are really nice guys I've been in contact with about the logistics of a long trip. You should check out their website too. 

Anyway, I know this is a lot of just statistics and the nitty-gritty workings of the blog. I just wanted to share how excited I am about it, and to say thank you to all of you who give us your attention and help. Thank you to all of you who share this with others. Without all of you it would just be Kenton and I, all alone, on longboards. You make this bigger. Thank you. 

1 comment:

Sheri said...

YEA!!! You are doing a great work!